A good start at school
Starting school is the beginning of a new and important period in your child’s life. We can help you get off to a good start at school.
Your child is already preparing for school life while they are in kindergarten (børnehave). The kindergarten works with you and the school to ensure that your child feels confident about starting school. As a parent, you play an important role in ensuring that your child has a good experience when they start school. You can reassure your child about starting school by talking positively about it. If you are concerned, it will rub off on your child, so talk with the kindergarten or the school about your concerns.
It is the school’s job to work closely with parents to give all children the best possible platform for thriving in life. If you as a parent get actively involved with your child and their schooling, it will have a major impact on their learning and development. This will impact how your child fares in and out of school.
Is your child ready to start school?
Unsure whether your child is ready for school? You can always talk with your child’s school or kindergarten about it.
Lessons in the preschool class (børnehaveklasse / 0. klasse)
The preschool class (børnehaveklasse) focuses on you and your child experiencing school as a safe and motivating environment for your child’s development and learning. The aim is for all children to feel part of the school community.
School-based leisure-time facility (skolefritidsordning, SFO)
From when your child begins in the preschool class until when they finish 3rd grade, they are guaranteed a place in the school’s school-based leisure-time facility (SFO).
Collaboration between school and home
It will have a major impact on your child’s learning and development if as a parent you actively involve yourself in their schooling.
Your child's well-being and health
Well-being, health, and learning go together.
Teach your child to get to school and back safely
Most children in Denmark cycle or walk to and from school. When your child starts school, they also become a road-user.