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Types of childcare - day nurseries, childminders, and kindergartens

In Denmark, there are different types of childcare for your child before he or she starts school at the age of 6. Here, you can find all municipal day nurseries, childminders, kindergartens, and combined institutions in Aarhus. You can also see your school district and guarantee of childcare district.


    Type in your address to see the (municipal) institutions near you. Push the "on-button" to choose the type of institution you wish to see.

    Day nursery (vuggestue) 0-3 years of age

    A day nursery is a daycare institution that looks after children aged 0-3 years during the day. Find our day nurseries on the map and read more about each institution on their individual websites (in Danish).

    Childminder (dagplejer) 0-4 years of age

    A childminder looks after a small group of children from 0-4 years of age in his or her own home. The information on this site is regarding the municipal childminders employed by the City of Aarhus.

    Kindergarten (børnehave)

    Kindergartens in Aarhus receive children from the age of 3. The children may attend kindergarten until August in the year they start school. Find kindergartens on the map below and read more on the kindergarten's own website (in Danish).

    Combined day nursery and kindergarten (integreret institution) 0-6 years of age

    The combined day nursery and kindergarten looks after children from 6 months until August the year your child starts school.

    Independent daycare institutions (selvejende dagtilbud)

    In Aarhus, you can choose to have your child taken care of in an independent institution. An independent institution can be a day nursery, kindergarten or a combined day nursery and kindergarten.

    Private daycare institution

    In Aarhus, you can choose to have your child taken care of in a private daycare institution. A private institution may be a day nursery (vuggestue), kindergarten (børnehave) or a combined day nursery and kindergarten (integreret institution).

    Aula - follow your child's every day life in the daycare

    Aula is used as a tool of communication and cooperation in school, daycare, SFO, free-time clubs, and youth clubs.

    Meet all our daycare offers in Aarhus

    Find all daycare offers in Aarhus here (in Danish).

    Last updated: 17 September 2024