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Private daycare institution

In Aarhus, you can choose to have your child taken care of in a private daycare institution. A private institution may be a day nursery (vuggestue), kindergarten (børnehave) or a combined day nursery and kindergarten (integreret institution).


    Type in your address or the name of the daycare institution below to find a private daycare institution near you.

    The kindergarten at Aarhus International School is amongst the private daycare offers in Aarhus.

    If you wish for your child to attend a private daycare you need to contact the institution directly.

    Private daycares administer their own waiting list. Therefore, the municipality cannot allocate a place in a private daycare. 

    The rates for private daycare institutions will vary. It is the institution that sets the rates and sends invoices directly to the parents. 

    You may apply for an economic subsidy from the municipality if your child attends a private daycare instead of a municipal one. You will automatically receive a sibling subsidy if you have more than one child attending either a municipal or a private institution.

    It is up to the private daycare in question to inform you of the conditions for how to deregister your child. You must arrange with the institution how to deregister your child.

    If you wish for your child to be transferred from a private institution to a municipal daycare offer, you have one month of notice to the private institution. In some cases, you may have to pay for both the private and the municipal institution during the transition.

    Please be aware that deregistering your child from a private institution does not happen automatically. 

    Last updated: 21 February 2025