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Brace treatment at Tandlægeskolen

Tandplejen Aarhus (the municipal dental clinics) collaborates with Tandlægeskolen (the School of Dentistry) to straighten teeth for children and youngsters in Aarhus.


    If relevant, the specialist dentist will discuss brace treatment at the Tandlægeskolen when he/she presents the individual plan for straightening irregular teeth at your second visit to the orthodontic clinic.

    What you need to know about treatment at Tandlægeskolen

    • Dentists at further education (videreuddannelse)
      You will be treated by an educated dentist who specialises in teeth straightening. The dentist is supervised by educated special dentists with many years of experience with brace treatment.

    • Some dentists speak English
      The dentists come from Denmark and other countries in Europe to further their education. Some dentists, therefore, only speak English. If language is a challenge, Tandlægeskolen makes sure that a Danish-speaking dentist treats you.

    • All visits are on the same weekday 
      Your visits to the clinic at Tandlægeskolen are all on the same weekday. However, you can wish for a specific weekday, Tandlægeskolen will do its best to meet your wish. 
    Last updated: 5 February 2025