Services if you have a baby on the way or if you have a small child
Are you the parent of a small child, or do you have a baby on the way? We can help you have a good start.

Find out about the offers of Sundhedsplejen (the health care nurses) for first-time parents and all other new mothers and fathers.
Welcome to Sundhedsplejen
Congratulations on your baby! Once you have given birth, Sundhedsplejen will contact you within a few days.
Family Entrepreneurs (Familieiværksætterne) – Inspiration for a good start to family life
As first-time parents, you can register for the Family Entrepreneurs and meet other new families in the same situation. Register already during pregnancy and, at the latest, when you are in the 25th week of pregnancy.
Do you need a visit during your pregnancy?
If you're finding pregnancy difficult the healthcare nurse can pay you a visit before you give birth.
Offers focusing on well-being and training during pregnancy and after birth
Find different offers in Aarhus for your well-being during pregnancy and after birth.
Do you want to join a mothers' or fathers' /partner group?
As a new mother or father /partner, you can join a mothers’ or fathers'/partner group where you can share your experiences with other parents.
Fathers' Playgroup - Meet other fathers with young children
If you are the father of a child from 0-3 years, and you live in Aarhus Municipality, you can join Fathers’ Playgroup. It's free and you don’t need to register.
Sign your child up for childcare
Find information about the types of childcare and how to sign up your child.
Sign up for NemSMS
You can sign up for NemSMS and get automatic reminders of your appointments with the healthcare nurse.
The health care nurses in Aarhus (Sundhedsplejen)
Phone hours
Weekdays 8.00-13.00
On-call health care nurse:
Weekdays 9.00-12.00 & 17.00-19.00, Saturday, Sunday and holidays 9-11 & 17-19
Grøndalsvej 2, 8260 Viby J
89 40 53 45 (administration), 70 20 80 08 (on-call health care nurse)