Family Entrepreneurs (Familieiværksætterne) – Inspiration for a good start to family life
As first-time parents, you can register for the Family Entrepreneurs and meet other new families in the same situation. Register already during pregnancy and, at the latest, when you are in the 25th week of pregnancy.
What is the Family Entrepreneurs course (Familieiværksætterne)?
Family Entrepreneurs is a course where you are together with other first-time parents. Here, you get information, inspiration and guidance for a good start to life as a family. Your input and participation are crucial for a good outcome.
- You must live in the municipality of Aarhus, and you can participate together with your partner or alone.
- You participate in a team with approx. 9 other couples / parents who meet a total of 9 times.
- The course begins approx. 8 weeks before birth and ends when your child is around 10-12 months old.
- You can share experiences and create a network with other first-time parents.
- Both mother and father/partner get shared information and experiences, which they can continue to talk about at home.
- It is an obvious opportunity for both mother and father/partner to share experiences with other parents.
- It is possible to have an interpreter present at the meetings. Contact the coordinators if assistance from an interpreter is needed.
What happens in Family Entrepreneurs?
Each meeting has 1-2 presentations from a health visitor or other professionals on a theme adapted to your family's development.
The themes cover both the time before and after the birth, among others:
- Financial and legal matters.
- Your child's development, linguistically, motoric and mentally.
- Your well-being, your relationships and your family life.
Do you want to know more?
Contact Ina Bejstrup Jensen, Coordinator at Family Entrepreneurs, at, or Merethe Graarup, health care manager, at
Some practical information for those of you who are considering participating in the Family Entrepreneurs course.
- The teams are for instance combined according to due date and geography.
- Two meetings are held before the birth, and seven meetings are held after the birth. When you have given birth, you bring your child with you to all the meetings.
- All meetings take place at addresses in the municipality of Aarhus.
- The meetings are held approximately once a month.
- The time frame for the meetings is always at 16.15-18.00.
- As far as possible, the day of the week is always the same, either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
- You will also be offered participation in a mothers' group, even if you are part of Family Entrepreneurs.
Family Entrepreneurs (Familieiværksætterne)
Telephone hours:
Weekdays 8.00 - 13.00
Phone: 23 38 10 46