Rates and payment
Find out about the rates for childcare in Aarhus and how we claim the payment. Read about reduced rates for siblings and childcare across municipalities.
Rates for daycare in Aarhus from January 2025
Find the rates for childcare, SFO as well as for free-time and youth clubs in the municipality of Aarhus.
Payment for childcare
If you live in the municipality of Aarhus and your child is enrolled in one of our childcare services, you must pay in advance every month for 11 months per year.
Reduced rate for siblings
Your childcare service will automatically be subsidised if more than one child is enrolled in a childcare institution in the municipality of Aarhus.
Childcare across municipalities
You have the right to retain your child’s place in the municipality of Aarhus if you move to another municipality. You can also pay for a place in Aarhus, even if you live in another municipality.
The Placement Service (Pladsanvisning)
Telephone hours
Monday - Tuesday: 9.00 - 11.00
Thursday: 9.00 - 11.00
Postbox 4069, 8260 Viby J
Phone: 89 40 22 22