Rates for daycare in Aarhus from January 2025
Find the rates for childcare, SFO as well as for free-time and youth clubs in the municipality of Aarhus.
How do we claim payment?
If you live in Aarhus and your child is enrolled in an institution in Aarhus:
You must pay in advance every month for 11 months. You do not pay for July.
If you live in Aarhus but your child is enrolled in a daycare institution in another municipality:
You must pay in advance every month all year including July.
If you live in Aarhus but your child is enrolled in an SFO in another municipality:
You must pay in advance every month for 11 months. You do not pay for July.
When your child turns 3
If your child is enrolled in daycare in Aarhus Municipality, we will automatically reduce your rate on the first day of the month following your child’s 3-year-old birthday. This also applies even if your child starts kindergarten earlier. The rate for a childminder (dagpleje) is not changed.
When your child starts in school
As a starting point, your child is transferred from kindergarten to school-based leisure-time facilities (skolefritidsordning, SFO) on August 1st the year your child starts grade 0. However, there can be special rules for children who start at Frederiksbjerg Skole as it has a running school start.
When your child attends a club
In the club, the rate changes from leisure club to youth club on August 1st the year your child starts 7th grade. Please note that you must enrol your child in the youth club yourself, as it does not happen automatically.
Rates - 0-4 years of age:
- Full-time daycare 48 hours per week: 3,401 kroner per month
Children under 3 years of age including diet:
- 25 hours per week: 3,637 kroner per month
- 30 hours per week: 4,220 kroner per month
- 51,5 hours per week: 4,921 kroner per month
Children over 3 years of age including diet:
- 25 hours per week: 2,288 kroner per month
- 30 hours per week: 2,602 kroner per month
- 51,5 hours per week: 3,031 kroner per month
Children under 3 years of age without diet:
- 25 hours per week: 2,915 kroner per month
- 30 hours per week: 3,498 kroner per month
- 51,5 hours per week: 4,199 kroner per month
Children over 3 years of age without diet:
- 25 hours per week: 1,566 kroner per month
- 30 hours per week: 1,880 kroner per month
- 51,5 hours per week: 2,309 kroner per month
30 hours of daycare is only for parents on leave according to the law on maternity leave.
Valnødden is a part-time daycare institution open for a maximum of 40 hours per week.
Rates are without diet:
Children under 3 years of age
- 25 hours per week: 2,915 kroner per month
- 30 hours per week: 3,498 kroner per month
- 40 hours per week: 3,642 kroner per month
Children over 3 years of age
- 25 hours per week: 1,566 kroner per month
- 30 hours per week: 1,880 kroner per month
- 40 hours per week: 1,987 kroner per month
30 hours of daycare is only for parents on leave according to the law on maternity leave.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 6.30-20.00
Rates include diet:
Children under 3 years of age
- 25 hours per week + extended opening hours: 4,132 kroner per month
- 30 hours per week + extended opening hours: 4,715 kroner per month
- 51,5 hours per week + extended opening hours: 5,416 kroner per month
Children over 3 years of age
- 25 hours per week + extended opening hours: 2,558 kroner per month
- 30 hours per week + extended opening hours: 2,872 kroner per month
- 51,5 hours per week + extended opening hours: 3,301 kroner per month
30 hours of daycare is only for parents on leave according to the law on maternity leave.
Grades 0 to 3: 2,209 kroner per month
Morning care for children in grade 4: 541 kroner per month
Grades 0 to 3: 2,209 kroner per month
Grade 4 and above: 1,481 kroner per month
All children in special schools or special classes and children with disabilities have the opportunity to use a school-based leisure-time facility (SFO) up to and including grade 7.
Grades 0 to 3
- In the before-school period 6.30-8.00: 339 kroner per month
- In the after-school period 16.00-17.00: 339 kroner per month
- Summer holiday care: 2,209
Grade 4
- In the before-school period 6.30 - 8.00: 220 kroner per month
- In the after-school period 16.00 - 17.00: 220 kroner per month
- Summer holiday care: 1,481 kroner
- Leisure club (4th grade to 6th grade): 924 kroner per month (full membership)
- Youth club (7th grade to 18 years): 326 kroner per month (full membership)
- Single activities Leisure club: 46 kroner
- Single activities Youth club: 17 kroner
The prices also apply to club offers for children and young people with disabilities.
Differentiated payment in youth club
In some youth clubs, it is possible to register for specially organized activities, e.g. dinner, football tournament, project course or similar, for a lower fee. If this is the case in your youth club, you can read more about the activities in question on the club's website. It is not possible to register for this any longer, but it is possible to continue the existing registration in the club in question.
In youth clubs with differentiated payment, there are three types of membership:
- Full membership: 326 kroner per month
- 2/3 membership (specially organized activities - max. 2/3 of the club's opening hours): 214 kroner per month
- 1/3 membership (specially organized activities - max. 1/3 of the club's opening hours): 106 kroner per month
This applies to the following 6 clubs:
- The clubs in Toveshøj
- LOOK - The clubs in Gellerup
- Leisure house Ellekær
- Klub3 / Ungemiljø Sødal
- Club Søndervang
- Klub2teket (Hasle)
Clubs with reduced payment
Leisure club (4th grade to 6th grade): 281 kroner per year
Youth club (7th grade to 18 years): 139 kroner per year
The Placement Service (Pladsanvisning)
Telephone hours
Monday - Tuesday: 9.00 - 11.00
Thursday: 9.00 - 11.00
Postbox 4069, 8260 Viby J
Phone: 89 40 22 22