Payment for childcare
If you live in the municipality of Aarhus and your child is enrolled in one of our childcare services, you must pay in advance every month for 11 months per year.
The Collections Department (Opkrævningen) in the City of Aarhus is in charge of all payments for childcare.
Your payment is due on the first day of every month and must be paid within the first five days of the month.
The invoice is sent to you by Digital Post, and you can register the invoice with Betalingsservice so that it is paid automatically each month.
You will not be charged for July. However, you may receive an invoice for July if your subsidized daycare place has been recalculated for April.
How to pay your bill
In the self-service solution 'Mit Betalingsoverblik' you can pay for childcare. You can also get an overview of what you owe to the City of Aarhus.
When you receive your first bill in your digital postbox for childcare you can register future bills with Betalingsservice. Contact your bank or register your bills to Betalingsservice via your netbank.
The Placement Service (Pladsanvisning)
Telephone hours
Monday - Tuesday: 9.00 - 11.00
Thursday: 9.00 - 11.00
Postbox 4069, 8260 Viby J
Phone: 89 40 22 22