Q&A for students from outside the EU/EEA
Find answers to the most common questions regarding your CPR number and the registration process
During the online application process for applying for a CPR number you will meet the sentence below.
"All persons (including any children) must, within 5 days of you fulfilling the conditions for being registered in Denmark, attend the local Borgerservice (Citizen Service) in the municipality you are moving to, or in the International Citizen Service centre linked to the municipality to which you are moving"
Please disregard the deadline of 5 days mentioned in this sentence. We have arranged special registration days for international students new to Aarhus and you must therefore book an appointment to show up with Citizen Service at Dokk1 on one of the dates specially allocated for students. These are mentioned in the guide on how to apply for a CPR number.
If you already have an administrative CPR number / a tax number, or have previously had a CPR number you should not apply for a CPR number online.
You must still book an appointment using the link above to show up in person at the registration event at Dokk1.
You must bring the following documents:
- Residence permit
- Passport or national ID with photo (must include your place of birth)
- Proof of your address in Denmark e.g. a rental contract
- Marriage certificate, if you are married - even if your partner is not accompanying you
- Divorce certificate, if you are divorced
- Death certificate, if you are a widow(er)
- Birth certificate for any accompanying child under 18
- Documents concerning legal custody, if you are not married to your child's other parent.
- The entry form below (fill in the form before appearing at Citizen Service)
Your documents must be in Danish, English or German.
All citizens with legal residence in Denmark and registered to live in Denmark at a certain address (Danes and foreigners) are registered in the Civil Registration System with a personal CPR number. The number consists of the date and year of your birthday and four extra digits.
With the CPR number you are entitled to public healthcare (going to the doctor, hospital etc.)
We have allocated special registration dates for international students at Dokk1 so you can apply online for a CPR number and appear in person to get your CPR number and MitID faster than with the normal procedure.
When booking an appointment you will be shown the next available time slot on these dates. This is an effort to ensure that all students get an appointment and to secure a flow in the registrations at Dokk1.
No.You need to have an appointment. You will find the link to book an appointment under Step 2 in the guide.
Please call us at +45 89401030 if you need help to book an appointment. If this is your first time applying for a CPR number you must have applied for a CPR online before you appear at the registration event at Dokk1.
We strongly advise you to join the registration event as your registration will be faster than the normal registration procedure. If you are unable to attend the registration event for international students, you must follow the normal registration procedure outlined in this guide.
If you do not have a Danish phone number, you can type in your email-address. You will then receive an email with an 8-digit number which will serve as your booking number for your appointment at Dokk1.
When you arrive for your appointment with Citizen Service at Dokk1, you must type in the 8 digits at the check-in stand in the arrival area.
You need the reservation number to check-in when you arrive at Citizen Service at Dokk1. You have received either an SMS if you have used a Danish phone number to book an appointment with Citizen Service or an email containing your reservation number, if you typed in your email address when booking your appointment. Check your spam filter, in case the email is not in your inbox.
If you still can’t find the email please call Citizen Service (Borgerservice) at +45 89 40 10 30 or send us an email at folkeregister@aarhus.dk. Tell us your full name and the date and time you have booked the appointment. We will then find your reservation number in the system.
We can always find your online registration, if you bring your ID when you show up at Citizen Service at Dokk1. Please do not apply again.
When you show up at Citizen Service at Dokk1 to get the CPR-number, you need to bring the physical document (not on your phone) and tell us that you haven’t uploaded it. We will then upload the document.
When you booked your appointment for the registration event at Dokk1 you typed in your Danish phone number or your email address.
A booking number was sent to you in an SMS or by email along with a description of how to cancel your appointment.
If you are unable to find the SMS or the email, please call Citizen Service at +45 89 40 10 30. We will then help you cancel or change your appointment.
If there are no more available time slots, please call Citizen Service at tel.: +45 89 40 10 30.
You should be aware of the expiration date of your residence permit. Find out whether you can prolong your residence permit at newtodenmark.dk
Also, you will automatically be registered as having left Denmark, on the date of departure you have provided Citizen Service with when you registered for a CPR number.
When you are registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR) as having left Denmark, you simultaneously lose your social security in Denmark.
It is therefore important that you contact us at +45 89 40 10 30 so that we can cancel or change your date of departure, provided that your residence permit has not expired.
You should visit newtodenmark.dk to find out which rules apply regarding your residence permit.
Read about whether you need to register your departure in relation to your CPR number:
Your yellow health insurance card (sundhedskort) which is your proof that you're entitled to public healthcare should arrive in your post box approximately 2-3 weeks after you have been issued with a CPR number.
If you do not have your name on your post box, the card will be returned to Citizen Service at Dokk1.
Come by Citizen Service to pick it up. We will keep the yellow card for up to 6 months. If we no longer have your card, you will need to pay for a new one.
If you didn't find the answer to your question please call Citizen Service at tel.: +45 89 40 10 30.
It is very important that your name is spelled correctly. Call Citizen Service at +45 89 40 10 30. We will make sure that you receive a new card with a correct spelling of your name.