Leaving Denmark
If your stay abroad exceeds six months you must report your move to the Civil Registration Office (Folkeregister) part of Citizen Service (Borgerservice) in the City of Aarhus.
You report that you are leaving Denmark to the Civil Registration Office in Aarhus (Folkeregistret), which is part of Citizen Service (Borgerserevice).
You must report that you're leaving Denmark online at lifeindenmark.dk.
Your move abroad will be registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR system).
At lifeindenmark.dk choose "start", log on to the self-service solution, and choose "Notification of leaving the country" in the lower right corner.
If you are staying abroad for less than six months
If you are staying abroad for less than six months but do not have complete disposal of your residence in Aarhus while you are gone, you must also report your move.
If you are staying abroad for less than six months and are unsure whether you have full disposal of your residence, please contact the Civil Registration Office (part of Citizen Service / Borgerservice) at 89 40 10 30.
The Civil Registration Office will guide you on whether you must report your move.
If you return to Aarhus after having reported your move abroad
If you have reported your departure, you are registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR system) as having left Denmark. Since you were issued a CPR number on a previous occasion, you must follow these guidelines when you return.
Other practicalities when moving abroad
You may find information about other practicalities to attend to when leaving Denmark at lifeindenmark.dk:
Practical matters before leaving Denmark
The Civil Registration Office (Folkeregistret)
Telephone hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 8.00 - 16.00
Thursday: 8.00 - 18.00
Friday: 8.00 - 16.00
Hack Kampmanns Plads 2
8000 Aarhus C
Phone: 89 40 22 22