Children and young people with signs of anxiety or depression
All children and young people can become overburdened, worried, or anxious – it is completely normal. But for some children and young people, it gets out of control. If the anxiety or strain starts to control what a child or young person can and cannot do, there is reason to react.
In the films below, you can get good advice on what you as a parent can do to help prevent symptoms of anxiety and depression in your child – you can do a lot. The films are aimed at parents of children with possible and early mild symptoms of anxiety or depression. The films do not tell how to treat severe anxiety and depression – but they give good advice on how to help prevent it.
Parents, teachers, pedagogues, etcetera need to be aware of whether the symptoms are due to a normal reaction to stress that perhaps can be remedied.
Below the films, you can read more about who to contact for further help.
Concern for a child in introductory schooling
This film is for you who have a child in introductory schooling and are concerned about whether your child is overworked or anxious.
Concern for children at the intermediate and lower secondary level
This film is for you who have a child at the intermediate or lower secondary level and are concerned about whether your child is overworked, anxious, or depressed.
Worried about your child?
If you are concerned about your child and would like to discuss this with a professional with experience in anxiety and depression in children and young people, you can contact PPR (Pedagogical Psychological Advice), which is part of the City of Aarhus.
PPR is a specialized team of psychologists, speech and hearing consultants, reading and mathematics consultants as well as special pedagogic consultants.
PPR offers:
- Open counselling: Parents can call PPR and make an appointment on telephone 8940 3777.
- Children's talks in PPR: Children and parents can call PPR on telephone 4185 9700 and make an appointment for a conversation with a psychologist. PPR has telephone hours on Monday and Wednesday from 13.00 - 16.00.
Pedagogic Psychological Advice (PPR)
Telephone hours
Monday - Friday 9.00 - 13.00