Tertiary education in Aarhus
Aarhus is often considered the best place to study in Denmark. Aarhus offers a wide range of schools of tertiary education.

Aarhus University
Aarhus University is an acclaimed top 100 university offering 50 study programs in English at Bachelor's and Master's levels.
Aarhus BSS - School of Business and Social Science
Aarhus BSS is one of the four facilities of Aarhus University and ranks among the largest business schools in Europe.
Business Academy Aarhus
Baaa facade-1600x1000.jpg Business Academy Aarhus (Erhvervsakademi Aarhus) is one of the largest business academies in Denmark, with more than 700 international students.
Aarhus School of Architecture
Aarhus School of Architecture (Aarhus Arkitektskole) offers three approaches to architecture: an artistic, a scientific and a practice-based, and provides teaching at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD levels.
Danish School of Media and Journalism
Danish School of Media and Journalism (Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole) offers a range of courses and programmes in journalism, communications, design and media production in English.
The Jutland Art Academy
The study programme at Jutland Art Academy (Det Jyske Kunstakademi) is mainly taught in Danish. Therefore, a certain knowledge of Danish is required.
The Royal Academy of Music
The programmes of The Royal Academy of Music (Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium) have been given the highest status, both nationally and internationally.
Kaospilot is a hybrid business and design school, a multi-sided education in leadership and entrepreneurship.
VIA University College
VIA University College, located in the Central region of Denmark, educates future engineers, designers, teachers, education specialists and nurses among others.
AU Engineering
AU Engineering is recognised for basic research and applied research of high quality, and for educating and training engineers with an attractive competence profile on the labour market.
Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering (AAMS)
Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering (Aarhus Maskinmesterskole) is the largest Marine Engineering School in Denmark with approximately 1,000 students attending the 4½ year Bachelor Programme.