Get support at Sundhedsplejen's incontinence clinic
Does your child wet the bed at night? Does your child struggle with involuntary bowel movements? Get support at Sundhedsplejen’s Incontinence Clinic. Your child must be between 5-16 years old and live in the municipality of Aarhus.

In Sundhedsplejen’s Incontinence Clinic, you get help from specially trained healthcare nurses. They advise, guide, and treat children with incontinence problems.
Ask your school healthcare nurse or GP (Family doctor) for a referral to the clinic.
Contact Sundhedsplejens Incontinence Clinic
Sundhedsplejens Inkontinens Klinik
Sundhedsplejen - Børn og Unge
Opening hours
Monday: 13.00-15.00
Jettesvej 10A, 8220 Brabrand
Anette Østergaard
Sundhed - Børn og Unge
Telephone: 51 57 51 86
Laila Thomsen
Sundhed - Børn og Unge
Telephone: 51 57 51 24 (mandag og onsdag kl. 9.00 - 10.00)