Opening hours and closing days
Normal opening hours in daycare institutions in Aarhus are Monday and Friday 6.30 - 16.30 and Tuesdays to Thursdays 6.30-17.00. There are daycare institutions that have extended opening hours or shorter opening hours. Within certain guidelines, the daycare institutions decide for themselves when they will have closing days during the year.
The combined nursery and kindergarten Børnely
This is the only institution that has permanently extended opening hours.
The combined day nursery and kindergarten Børnely
P-Hjort-Lorentzens Vej 19 A-D, 8000 Aarhus CTlf. 24 79 29 53
Opening hours 06.30 - 20.00
How to sign up your child for an institution with extended opening hours
You must use Digital Pladsanvisning Digital Childcare Place Allocation (Digital Pladsanvisning) to sign up your child.
You must state your reason for the need for extended opening hours in the box "notater".
The limit on the time your child can spend in a daycare institution is 51,5 hours per week.
- We assign the daycare places according to the normal procedures
- Read about rates and payments
Den kombinerede vuggestue og børnehave Gadekæret
Vikær Toften 2
8240 Risskov
Tel. 24 26 33 69
Opening hours
Monday and Friday 07:00 - 17.00
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 07:00 - 17:30
Banevej 2, 8320 Mårslet
Tel. 40 23 15 64
Opening hours 07.30 - 15.00
You can choose part-time daycare at 30 hours weekly and a maximum of 37½ hours.
As a point of departure, the City of Aarhus does not operate with closing days at daycare level. In the event of potential closing days at department level, for instance in the course of summer, the daycare offer must continue to offer care for those of the daycare institution's children who will still need care. Thus, there will be an opportunity for alternative daycare in the event of potential closing days at department level.
A closing day is an ordinary weekday on which a department will be closed – partly or completely. Ordinary weekdays are all days except for Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.
- Closing days must be placed on days on which attendance among the children is poor.
- They are days on which many parents and children will take a day off, and only few children will require daycare.
- On closing days, we offer alternative daycare for children who need it.
Typical closing days can be
- The days before Easter
- The day after Ascension Day
- Constitution Day (5 June)
- Weeks 29-30
- 23 December
- 24 December
- 27-31 December
The individual daycare institutions shall decide the number of closing days at department level. They do so pursuant to the guidelines in force.
It shall be up to the individual daycare's responsibility to notify the parents of the dates of closing days and at which of the daycare offer's departments there will be alternative daycare for the children. The daycare offer must notify the parents well in advance.
If you have questions about your department's closing days, please contact the pedagogical head of the department.
The Placement Service (Pladsanvisning)
Telephone hours
Monday - Tuesday: 9.00 - 11.00
Thursday: 9.00 - 11.00
Postbox 4069, 8260 Viby J
89 40 22 22