Can I be allocated a free or subsidised childcare place in 2025?
If your household's total income is below 646,500 kroner annually, you can apply for a free place. The amount of the subsidy depends on the household's income. The percentage of the subsidy can therefore vary between 1-100%.
To get a free or subsidised childcare place, you must apply via Digital Placement (Digital Pladsanvisning).
If your household's total annual income is below 208,101 DKK, you are eligible for a free childcare place. In this case, you will not pay anything for childcare.
If your household's total annual income is between 208,101 DKK and 646,499 DKK, you are eligible for a subsidised childcare place. In this case, you will pay part of the cost of childcare.
Other questions about free or subsidised childcare
When your child is enrolled in a municipal care service or in a private institution, you have the option of applying for a free or subsidised childcare place.
- Your free or subsidised childcare place will be effective from the 1st of the month after the application.
- You cannot apply for a free or subsidised childcare place retroactively.
- You must always apply for a free or subsidised childcare place in the municipality where you live.
If your child transfers from one kind of care to another, you do not have to re-apply for a free or subsidised childcare place.
You must only re-apply if your income changes, or if there are changes to your family circumstances.
When you have informed us about the changes in your income or your family circumstances, we will change your free or subsidised childcare place from the 1st of the month after the application. After that, we send you a new license.
We maintain the right to retroactively readjust your free or subsidised childcare place. We will do this if you have started cohabitating, and you have not notified the Placement Service (Pladsanvisningen).
Remember: It is not enough to notify other departments in the City of Aarhus or the Danish Tax Agency (Skattestyrelsen) about financial changes or changes in your household.
Your household income constitutes your taxable income.
When you apply for a free or subsidised childcare place, you must enter your household's total monthly income before tax, but after AM-bidrag (labour market contribution).
An example:
Monthly income of 18,000 kroner - 1,400 kroner. (8% in AM-bidrag) = 16,600 kroner.
Converted into annual income: 16,600 kroner x 12 = 199,200 kroner.
Specifically for students
If you are a student and have an SU loan, this must not be included in your income basis. If you work while studying or during holidays, it will affect the size of the subsidy for a childcare place which you are entitled to receive during the relevant months.
Specifically for self-employed
If you are self-employed, we grant you a free or subsidised childcare place based on the expected annual result on your preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelse). You will receive a readjustment if your actual annual result does not correspond to your preliminary income assessment.
When you are self-employed, you will not receive monthly recalculations, but will only be regulated annually via the annual adjustment.
In certain cases, we may need to obtain a tax account for your company in connection with the annual readjustment. If this is the case, you will receive a letter with information about this.
Remember to send a new application for free or subsidised childcare when you correct your expected personal income or your business result on your preliminary tax assessment with the Danish Tax Agency (Skattestyrelsen) as this information is not automatically drawn into our system. This information will only be collected from the Danish Tax Agency in connection with the annual adjustment.
If you are living with more than one child under the age of 18 in your household, when you apply for a free or subsidised childcare place, 7,000 kroner for every child - apart from the first - will automatically be deducted from your income basis.
If more children become part of your household during the year, you must apply again for a free or subsidised childcare place via the online self service solution Digital Placement (Digital Pladsanvisning). It will not be automatically regulated.
If your current monthly income converted into annual income is 208,101 kroner or less:
- You are eligible for a free childcare place after applying. Therefore we do not charge you for childcare.
If your current monthly income converted into annual income is between 208,101 kroner and 646,499 kroner:
- You are eligible for a subsidised childcare place after applying.
If your current monthly income converted into annual income is above 646,500 kroner:
- You are not eligible for a free or subsidised childcare place.
We calculate the childcare place subsidy before a possible sibling-subsidy, and also before a possible subsidy is granted based on medical/therapeutical or socio-pedagogical reasons.
Find out whether you are entitled to subsidised or free childcare
Deduction for single parents
If you live by yourself with one or more children, and you are a single parent, we deduct 72,822 kroner from your household's total income, before we calculate your subsidy. This means that your subsidy will be bigger.
To receive a subsidy as a single parent, you must actively apply for a free or subsidised childcare place.
If you are married, you must apply for a free or subsidised childcare place with your spouse, also if you do not live together. In this case, you will not be eligible for a deduction for single parents.
If a child lives only with one parent, and she/he is married or cohabitates:
- Then we calculate the subsidy for the childcare place based on the household's total income.
If a child lives equally with both parents:
- Then we calculate the subsidy based on the total household income of the parent, where the child is registered with their address (folkeregisteradresse).
Remember to notify us when there are changes in your household!
If you get married or start cohabitating, you must immediately notify the Placement Service (Pladsanvisningen). It is not enough that Udbetaling Danmark or other departments in the City of Aarhus are informed.
If you do not notify us, there will be a regulation of your free or subsidised childcare place at a later point in time.
The Placement Service (Pladsanvisning)
Telephone hours
Monday - Tuesday: 9.00 - 11.00
Thursday: 9.00 - 11.00
Postbox 4069, 8260 Viby J
Phone: 89 40 22 22