ICS West - The International Employment Unit
The International Employment Unit can help you create an overview and gain in-depth knowledge about how to search for jobs in Denmark.

Job search support and guidance
As a newcomer to Denmark the job search process can be a bit of a maze due to cultural habits and all of the unwritten do’s and don’ts.
We can provide job search support and guidance on your rights and obligations on the Danish job market, insight into the Danish work culture, and suggestions on how to navigate the different steps in the process of landing a job.
Feel free to send us an email or call if you have questions regarding your job search in Denmark.
Who can we help?
You can make use of The International Employment Unit if you're residing in one of the following municipalities:
Sign up for free job search webinars
Find inspiration, get valuable tools, and gain an overview of a wide range of topics that can help to improve your job search process.
All webinars are held in English, and are free of charge. All you need is a computer and a good internet connection!
Are you looking for tips and tools to optimise your job search?
Check out our catalogue of webinars for Spring 2025.
The International Employment Unit
Phone hours
Monday-Wednesday: 9:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 9:00 - 12:00 and 15:00-16:00
Friday: 9:00 - 12:00
Phone: 24 59 46 50
E-mail: ieu@aarhus.dk